Monday, February 4, 2013

Mindset: Survival

So I saw some Pelicans fly by me and the first things I thought was, I wish I could be like birds. Birds always seem to know where they are going. Fly North? Why by golly the birds say, “ I know which way to go.” Humans on the other
r hand, really don’t seem to ever know where they are going. Ask anyone, “So what are you going to do with your life?; How are you going to get there?” The usual response is I do not know.
Even some well-established in their age question those seem old questions. Can we be like birds? What holds us back from doing what God wants while birds just go? Maybe it’s the distinction of what each purpose is for. Birds fly for survival, humans on the other hand, it seems like it is all about happiness.

What would happen if we examined our life and started heading towards protection and survival instead of the never ending journey to find happiness?

I would like to say that perhaps the compass might actually point somewhere and not just spin whichever way the wind takes it.
Can we hear the heartbeat of survival? Survival tends to only be in Christ.
The intricate details of survival are found in the Bible. God’s blue print for His people. Not just a historical document, but one that shows the survival of a people who followed God. Survival of them, and damage to all others.

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