Friday, January 25, 2013

Perhaps There's Something To It...

Have you ever had that place that made you put everything in perspective? It was easier to think when you were there. Smells were strange and the views stirred a longing up deep inside and you couldn't understand why and you couldn't begin to even start pinpointing what? That place where you figured perhaps God might whisper in your ear, yet your ears pick up sounds foreign to it?

Perhaps there’s something to it. Why are many of us drawn to sights, sounds, feeling, that are foreign to our daily lives? Is it really because we do not experience it on a daily basis? How about those people that grow up in a small town yet no matter how many times they go do the same things they never get tired of it? Could it be a mutual love for the unknown? One living in a small time might require hope. He/she could hope that perhaps today is the day something different happens in their small town and be content to keep wishing. Or can something be the opposite? Could we love looking, seeing, smelling the exact same things EVERY TIME. So much that if it was off we would be too?

Regardless of those answers, I must admit I love seeing, feeling, hearing, different things than I’m use too. God can use it to put things back into perspective. People around you can also help put things in perspective. A dear friend of mine and I were recently having a deep conversation when we started talking about the experiences of the past. That we thought, without them we would not be where we were. However, her experience is a hard one, a sad one, and it made me evaluate mine. Did everything I go through really get me to where I am today? I think so… The smallest experiences sometimes can have the biggest impact on one.
What an interesting conversation.

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