Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The Real Life
So can I make a confession? Can I be real for a second?
Good, cause I'm going to anyways. I'm sick of fake. You know what I'm talking about? Acting like everything is okay when it's not. Walking around like we couldn't have a care in the world. We've all done it. Doesn't all this faking cause us to set expections for ourselves and others that simply can not be met all the time? Than we beat ourselves up for it? I've been thinking about this for a while, and Sunday I was talking to someone who stated, "It's okay not to be perfect all the time, it's okay to fall, as long as we get back up and learn." But that is not what happens does it? We think we have to be perfect as Christians, we fall and most of the time we stay down, bashing ourselves with guilt into a hole we dig for ourselves. Instead of accepting God's grace and forgiveness we kill ourselves with doubts about our walk, and anger takes over aims towards ourselves. Thoughts such as, "why did we do it again?, If only this or that!" or we think, "man, I hope no one saw." We need to come back to the real life. Sorry, but we have all messed up! We all fall. It takes a real life to get back up. A real life that accepts God's forgiveness and grace. Not saying that because of God's grace it's okay to mess up, but saying that when we do mess up, we have a mediator on our side. Despite our flaws and mess ups God is able to make something beautiful! God can use our mistakes and flaws to help others or to make us a better person. The question is, "Are we going to become real about our life?" It is tough to get back up, it is tough not to wallow in guilt, been there done that, but God's love still remains and keeps us strong enabling us to get back up. To get back up and say, "I made a mistake, but I am sorry I repeat, I will keep on walking in You, God."
I always think of cracked glass when I think of this. It's so cracked it's surprising that it can make anything good. Yet, its beautiful. As messed up as our lives our, God can still mold us and use us. We just need to understand that our life was meant to be real not perfect, not dwelling on guilt, but walking in grace despite of.
"O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the LORD. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel." (Jeremiah 18:6)
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Knoxville, Tennessee

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