Tuesday, January 10, 2012

MRHP: The College Years: "7 Issues!" (Isaiah)

This morning my devo took me to one of my favorite books of all time: Isaiah. I thought it very revealing, enough to share with my readers. I was struck by chapter 1:16:19. These are interesting verses and reflect 7 issues that I could not get out of my mind.
1. Repent
2. Learn
3. Seek
4. Encourage
5. Defend
6. Plead
7. Come

As I focused on these issues I realized that I needed to do these in my DAILY life. So I broke them down.

1. Repent, the verses broke it down more by stating that you "wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight!Stop doing wrong..." (v16), in the Wiersbe commentary on Isaiah it states that this verse is the "prescribtion for change-repentance" May I say I agree? We all have things in our lives that keep us from the throne that we need to wash ourselves, turn and stop doing wrong. NOT saying we will not ever make mistakes, we are human, but that when we do, we understand that change is necessary.

2.Learn, I'm in school so I am constantly learning, we're in life so we SHOULD be constantly learning. But did you relize that doing right is a choice? Isaiah definately states, "learn to do right!" he is very consistent with it! It's a learned action. So here's the question:
Are you learning to do right?
What would that look like? Well I believe he tells us in the next 4 issues. These issued summed up would spell out SOCIAL JUSTICE.

3. Seek, when I was younger I loved playing hide-and-go seek! My adrenaline would rush as I either stayed hidden in the dark or as I went hunting for people. I would beg others to come play with me. Now, I'm begging everyone to seek justice! Hunt it out, justice isn't passive, its action which is the connection I see with seek. Seek indicates that you have to look.
Take a moment and look for justice and how you are actively involved with justice. Right down how you can participate and ask God to give you a heart for justice and the ability and passion to seek it.

4. Encourage, we all know how much I love that man Barnabus. 1 Thesalonians talks about how we should TODAY encourage someone.
Right a note to someone and encourage them today!

5. Defend, the cause of the fatherless. Or defend the orphan. What are we doing for those that can not defend themselves? Can we fight for those who can not do it themselves? Jude 1:3, also says that we should contend for the faith. So why are we not doing it?

6.Plead, the case of the widow. THINK ABOUT IT!
Social Justice is big. Jesus was all about justice when He walked this earth and we should be too. Not just social justice but spiritual justice as well. Are we helping those Christians that feel like they are barely standing? Justice is not just social but spiritual and it can be mentally too I think.

7. COME....need God say more? He has things to tell you, He wants to wipe your sins as white as snow.

As I continue to study this, more and more things jump out...but I just wanted to let ya'll in a little to see what I was thinking. I hope that this in turn will cause you to think about these 7 issues.

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