The mind or at least my mind is more active in the middle of the night, and I do not go without a minute of not knowing what to say.
Yesterday, I officially moved in my apartment for my last year of school! That's right, this girl is a senior. (Insert shouts of happiness and random dancing!) After bumps and bruising from moving furniture or just smacking into them I have come to two major premises:
1) I should never be in the furniture moving busy.
2) Everything is better when the sun is up.
First, I should never be hired in anyway to move somebody's furniture...move it your self. I can't sleep on my side because of my swollen ankle from cracking it one the side of heavy duty, not-going-to-break till you're dead furniture. Also, don't get me to hang things on the wall because my eye doesn't catch "straight" so you're wall decals might be rung strangely. Don't ask me to color coordinate because everything matches red I'm certain of it. Yeah, that's me, Ms. Mover!
Second, everything is better when the sun is up. So yeah, I may be able to write really fantastic stuff when the sun is sleeping but I will be feeling this later on today and it won't be pretty. Other people tend to be up when the sun is up, except one of my roommates who has already stated that she will not be up at 8:45 when the coffee pot starts making that glorious popping noise as it makes the "best part of waking up." But besides her, one can safely assume that most will be up at a reasonable time.
The sun saying hello also reminds me of something else:
From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised.
Regardless of the sun's lack of hello at 5am, it is still a good day to praise the Lord. The sun helps me remember that despite today's mistakes, the sun sets and begins again. Daily, I have to make the choice of praising and living for the Lord.
Praising the creator of the sun that has the ability to rise and set in its own time. What a God we have!
So as the sun slowly rises and it's beautiful light begins to shimmer in the distant horizon, think about what a might God we have. As your coffee begins to smell like a "strong train to wake" think about the awesome acts our God is capable of.
p.s. "strong train to wake" seriously is a great comparison for Coffee if you think about it. That first cup is like a train hitting you to consciousness, which now that I think about it is OPPOSITE of what a real train would do...but I still like the idea.
p.s.s. If you would like me to move your furniture I'm sure money would help a poor college student decide to get over her feel of stumping toes.
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