Thursday, September 12, 2013

One Word...PASSION

Couldn't help but reflect on the word Passion today. It carries with it such a lengthy weight of thought, emotion, and plan. Such as:


First, passion comes with its own set of emotion that seep through into your life at every turn. So ask yourself, what are some things that you are passionate about? What kind of emotion is shown?
For me, I decided to make a short life of things that I am passionate about:

The end of Human Trafficking.
The plight of poverty.
The effect communication has on an individual throughout life.

Which brings me to an important issue, currently a bill called HR1732 is up for review by the Congressional representatives. If they approve, it'll be sent to the House of Representatives for a vote! This bill is an important anti-trafficking bill-help show your support. Here is the link for that...

Also, another great organization that many of you have heard me speak of has been Compassion International. Here at their site you can learn all about how to support children who are in need and the impact you can make on the communities and lives around you.

All of us have something we want to do, or see. How many of us have desire for good to occur in other people's lives? In today's culture we are surrounded by such a "me" mentality that it is easy to forget what's important. Many times is good to take a step back and evaluate what we truly want in life.

Lastly, consideration. This goes back to considering others-something we heard all throughout our years growing up. But it is so important. When thinking about passion our action comes from considering others and seeing where they are in life. Consider others today and think about how you can make a difference in their lives today.

Overall, all three thoughts stem from one word. One word...passion

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