Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We Are Not In Comfort Anymore...Bummer!

So, I'm in my second year of college(Whoot!) and if I thought the first year was hard I had another thing coming to me. This year is extremely hard, yet extremely rewarding all at the same time. I do not know how this contradiction works but it does. :) What made me think that the more school I did, the easier it would get? No, in fact, it seems mostly likely for me to say the more I continue to learn, the more I continue to come face to face with the reality that I am serving an magnificient God! The more I come to grips that daily truely means every day to walk in Christ footsteps, the more I see my failure and shame. BUMMER! Rereading that shamed me more! But lets be honest here, life has to be lived, decisions must be made. The question is, are my actions going to reflect Christ or not? Are people going to see me for the real me or for the fake self I have tried to set up for myself? Decisions...decisions! As I find my self in decision after decision, I also have found myself immersed in the Word. I need guidance. What am I suppose to do God!? Yet, unfortunately, God is not in the billboard business.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
I firmly believe God was not joking here. He really has a plan. But I think what keeps us back from God's plan is the second step of the decision process. First, is guidance, second? Second happens to be stepping out, happens to be ACTION. Now you may say, no God just has not spoken to me yet. I really do not think that's it. Try this on for size: "I want you to go to this school." BUT GOD, NONE OF MY FRIENDS GO THERE AND ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOO CLOSE TO HOME. I MUST OF NOT HEARD GOD RIGHT, HE WOULDN'T TELL ME THAT! "Go and talk to that person." BUT GOD...I DO NOT REALLY KNOW THEM, THAT WOULD BE AKWARD! See what I mean? I think that the hardest part in the process is taking that step and saying, "Yes Lord, You are my all in all and I will follow You." Can you relate with that? This week I have had so many decisions that need answers that I have been at lost for words, yet as I sought answers I realized that many of these questions had answers...just not the one's I wanted. Not the one's that would keep me in my comfort zone. Man...Sorry we weren't created for comfort. Sorry we don't(or shouldn't) live in a land named Comfort. We're not in "comfort" anymore! How does one deal with that realization? How does one have the strength to take the first step? This week I've been in the book of Joshua alot. Joshua was put in charge of the Israelites after Moses died, yet these people still need to travel to get to the land God promised. As soon as Joshua stepped in the leadership position he was already in some big shoes, they had to cross the Jordan river. By the way, those that do not know, the Jordan currently is an 156 mile long river located in West Asia flowing to the Dead Sea. It serves as the Eastern border between Israel and Palestian territory today. Let even as a just promoted leader. Joshua keep the words of God at heart:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever ou go."
In this, we may also have hope as decisions try and ruin our lives and action seems like a hard thing to do and getting hard, may we find hope. May we clinch tight to the words of God. Our God is with us!

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