Soooooooooo...........Where do I even start?
Pretty much throwing this out there: I'm burnt out.
How can I rephrase this in a way my confused heart can understand, so that you, readers can understand?
Can you hear me?!
I don't know what's wrong..but something is. Every little thing this week has pulled on my heart strings so much that I'm afraid I've run out of tears. How many mistakes can one person make in one week? One day? One hour? Well just know it's alot. Not that my mistakes were sin. No I do not think that forgetting to do something is a sin. But just little mistakes that I make like forgetting something, dropping something.
I just can't do it anymore...
I'm so tired. Have not been sleeping well, or to be matter of fact, at all. Math class is kicking me. How many people need to sit down and explain linear equations till I finally get it!
And yet, I still remember...That God is still God. And the little things He does for me daily is a reminder. I feel like that sometimes we can get so caught up in our woes, that we tend to dwell on that more than the good that happens.
So have I mentioned I love rain? It rained this week, thank God, and it made me so super happy. The biggest news was that I got a job! Praise the Lord for that, I really needed it. Financial aide is flowing it, whoot! I had my internship today and it was wonderful.
Thank You, Jesus, for the joy only found in You...even on those days where I just can't do it anymore.
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