Monday, October 1, 2012

Little Moments In Life

"Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.” ― Stephen Chbosky No life can't stop, but those living in life can slow down. Today I noticed something, not everyone is having the same day as YOU. As life continues day to day, people continue as well, moments happen both good and bad. Today, I met a girl whose face was full of tears, as I started to pass her, I felt like I needed to ask her how she was. When asked she started to pour her heart out, tear continuing to fall. As her story revealed it self, I was at a loss of words, and could do nothing but listen and pray. As she left, I couldn't help but think about this moment. That I happened to be here at this time. How many moments do people need help and I ignore or do not take notice? I cringed thinking of this... How many times do we run through life not taking time to notice the activities of others around me? Why are we so selfish that we think life is all about us? Just a thought about my day.

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